Pay anyone, anytime, anywhere for FREE by using BillPay. Enjoy the convenience of paying bills online at your convenience. Schedule recurring payments so your regular bills are automatically paid each month.
You can sign up for BillPay through Internet Banking.
BillPay Frequently Asked Questions
How do I pay someone new?
Click Make a Payment. To add a new payee, type the name of the person or company in the “Need to pay someone new?” field at the top of the main bill pay page and click Add. Fill out the form, click the Add Payee button and you are ready to make a payment.
Why am I not able to edit my payee’s address?
When adding a payee (or trying to edit your payee later), don't be alarmed if we do not ask you for an address to which to send your payment. This just means that we have a relationship with this payee where we either pay them electronically, or the payee asked us to send payments to an address that might not match the address they give you on your bill.
Are there any types of payments I can’t make?
Due to legal requirements, we limit the ability to make certain types of payments. Payments to payees outside of the United States are prohibited and may not be issued under any circumstances. In addition, the following payments are discouraged, but may be scheduled at your own risk:
- Tax payments to the Internal Revenue Service or any state or other government agency
- Court-ordered payments, such as alimony or child support
- Payments to insurance companies
- Payments over the amount of $9.999.99 will not be processed.
L&N will not be liable for these prohibited or discouraged payments.
How are payments processed?
Tell us the day you want your payment sent and we take care of the rest. Use our calendar widget when scheduling payments to assist in understanding when a payment can be delivered. Available dates will be displayed in blue. Unavailable dates including weekends, holidays, or a date that would not allow us to deliver the payment in time are grayed out and not selectable.
When will the funds be taken from my account?
All bill pays will be debited from your account 1 to 2 business days after send on date.
What is an eBill?
An eBill is an electronic copy of your paper bill that you can view anytime from within the Bill Pay service. eBills are a secure and convenient way to keep all of your bills in one place. You will be notified when an eBill arrives and when it is due so you never have a late payment.
How long do you store my payment history and eBills?
The last 24 months of payment history and eBills are available online for you to view. If for some reason you need payment information dating back past 24 months, give us a call and we will help you retrieve that information.
Can I view copies of cleared BillPay checks?
Yes. You can view cleared checks made through Billpay. These checks will remain in your payment history for 90 days. If you are having trouble viewing a copy of a check, please contact us at (502)-368-5858 or (800)-292-2905, option 4.
Can I choose what notifications are sent to me?
We send many types of notifications and alerts to you via email to keep you informed and up to date regarding your payments. Some alerts are system generated and cannot be turned off, but there are many others you can choose to “turn on” or “turn off”.
How do I change my contact information for BillPay?
Select Settings and Edit next to the primary email field. If you would like to use a different email for bill pay than the primary email listed on your account, select Use a Different Address for Bill Pay. Enter the email you would like to use, type in your password and click Save.
How do I manage my payees?
Find the payee in your list and click on its corresponding Options link.
The Options window will open allowing you to perform the following tasks:
- Your Bill (eBill): enroll/edit/un-enroll. This tab only appears if an eBill is available for the payee.
- Next due reminder: add/edit/delete a next due reminder.
- Automatic payment: add/edit/delete a recurring payment rule for a payee.
- Account Information: add/edit your payee account information.
- Delete payee: permanently deletes this payee from the system. If you need to make a subsequent payment to a deleted payee, you will need to add that payee again.
- Hide payee: hides your payee from your payee list – a way to manage a long list of payees.